Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Ghost of J. Robert Oppenheimer

What Would Oppy Do?
After a decade or more of overt and covert attacks on Los Alamos National Laboratory, the legacy organization that got it's start as the Manhattan Project in 1943 and quickly became known as the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and then Los Alamos National Laboratory in the 1980s. June 1, 2006, LANS LLC took over operations from UC


Anonymous said...

He'd do like most of the smart, marketable types at LANL have already done: leave for a much healthier, happier work environment.

Pinky and The Brain said...

Go sailing in the Virgin Islands perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Oppenheimer would have been fired by Nanos as someone who "does not get it".

Feynman's Ghost said...

He would do what he did when McCarthy tried to discredit him. He would stand up to them even though it would turn out badly.

Anonymous said...

Oppy would say to fire everyone but the best 300 people and start over.

Oppy said...

Not a bad plan (Fire all but the top 300 and start over).

I'd start firing from the top and as I got toward the bottom, I'd be making phone calls and writing letters of recommendation to get these good folks another job.

I'd also help find a decent replacement for our current crop of so-called politicians. I've seen a lot in my lifetime (and death) but this crowd takes the cake. Democrats taking a close second to the Republicans.

We left the world in worse shape than we found it and you are heading down the same path.

Time to back up and rethink a *lot*. This is not just about "bigger sticks" or even "cheaper energy". You at LANL (and LLNL and SNL and ORNL and LBL and XXxL and academia and ...) are extremely intelligent and well educated.

DO SOMETHING WORTHWHILE! I don't mean pave the planet faster, I don't mean build a better doomsday weapon (I *did* that and see how wonderful it has turned out?).

- Oppy

Anonymous said...

You write very well.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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Anonymous said...

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